The Life Stage Brokerage Network
New Financial Advisor Training
Financial Advisor Training Institute (FATI) —

The Life Stage Brokerage Network understands that most advisors who operate successful practices do not have time to “train” new advisors. If you do not have a large staff to train these individuals the ultimate responsibility falls to you. This in turn takes time from your clients and prospects and costs you more than the time.
The solution is to partner with a company that will help you train your advisors in an intense multi-week program. Upon graduation you can be assured that these new advisors have the foundation that you can build on. Keeping this in mind, The Life Stage Brokerage Network has partnered with the Financial Advisor Training Institute (FATI). FATI was designed to take the foundation training off your plate. FATI will train them in all areas a new advisor needs to be successful, allowing you to keep your focus on your clients and prospects.
Many advisors pay new advisors a salary while they learn the job and earn their appropriate licensing. In some cases, during this time these new advisors realize this business is not for them or you realize they are not the right person for your business. FATI helps you mitigate the risk with a cost-effective way to train these advisors.
If you would like to learn how FATI can assist you, feel free to contact us to discuss some strategies you can use to train your new adivsors.
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